
Vegan Challenge

Vegan Challenge

Vegan on the road no more

About two weeks ago I stopped posting here because I was too busy begging the coffee guy at work for a cappuccino. I only got it after explaining I had quit my vegan challenge. Why I had quit, he asked. Well, to put it simply: it’s just too hard.

Being 100% vegan is not something society is ready for and as a result, it doesn’t fit into my life. I don’t want to have to take my own food when I go out to dinner, or check all labels and ingredients to see what I’m allowed to eat. Forced veganism takes the fun out of eating for me, and I’d actually consider eating one of my hobbies.

That’s why I have decided to live vegan by choice and opportunity. I do see the health benefits of veganism and have, for instance, come to like soya milk better than animal milk. I’ve also had some wonderful vegan meals cooked for me this month, which I would happily eat anytime.

What this experiment further made clear to me is that I *do* want to be committed to a vegetarian lifestyle, and this is something I’ll happily pursue.

This month has, in conclusion, also made me focus less on the sometimes high prices of food. We are used to paying more for quality in areas like electronics and holidays, so why not invest in our own health and pay a little bit more for good food?

Thank you for reading this last post of mine, and bon appetit!

Vegan Challenge

One thought on “Vegan on the road no more”

  1. Susanne Lück sagt:

    Good choice anyway … good luck!

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